In today’s post, we will go over everything you need to know about the Minecraft horse. Including how to tame it, breed it, feed it, and more. So buckle down and get ready because here we go!
The Minecraft horse is a rideable passive mob and acts as one of Minecraft’s transportation methods. The horses in Minecraft spawn in the Savanna and Plains biomes in groups of between 2 and 6, and in some villages’ stables.

Minecraft horses come in 6 colors: white, creamy, chestnut, brown, dark brown, grey, and black.

And with one of 5 patterns: none, white stockings and blaze, white field, white spots, or black dots.

When spawned naturally, the color of each horse in the same group (or herd) is the same, their markings are random and are equally likely to appear.
How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft
To tame a Minecraft horse, you must right-click (use) it with an empty hand. This will mount the player on the horse. The horse will drop the player in the first time, and most likely in the next couple of times, but in order to tame it, you need to keep mounting it until it stops dropping you and hearts show up.
You can speed up this process by feeding it Golden Apples (most effective), Golden Carrots (less effective), or Apples, Carrots, and Sugar (least effective).
Once the horse is tamed, you’ll see hearts popping up as an indication of a successful taming, as seen with wolves (dogs), cats, llamas, and other tameable mobs.

How to Breed a Horse in Minecraft
In order to breed a Minecraft horse, you must tame it first.
After you successfully tamed two horses, feed each of them a golden apple or a golden carrot, so they enter “love mode”. When two horses are in love mode within 8 blocks of each other, they will breed and have a baby horse.

The baby horse has about a 90% chance get one of its parents’ colors and 80% of getting one of their markings. This means that a baby horse has a 10% chance to have a color and a 20% chance to have markings that none of its parents has.
Like in nature, when a Minecraft horse breeds with a donkey, they give birth to a mule.
How to Ride a Horse in Minecraft
In order to ride a horse, you can just right-click it while not holding anything. This, however, won’t let you control its moving direction. To properly control a horse you are riding, you must put a saddle on it.
How to Put a Saddle on a Horse in Minecraft
Once you tamed a horse, you need to put a saddle on its back in order to ride it properly. To do that, left-click the horse while holding a saddle in your main hand. Another option is to press E while you ride it and put the saddle on the GUI that opens.

How to Put an Armor on a Minecraft Horse?
To put armor on a Minecraft horse, you need to right-click a tamed horse with armor in your hand, or hit the E button while riding it and put the armor in the GUI. It is very similar to the way you put a saddle on it.

What do Horses Eat in Minecraft?
Like other Minecraft mobs, the horse, too, has health points. In order to heal or breed a horse, you should feed them. There are three groups of foods you can feed a Minecraft horse:
Foods That Just Heal
This group contains three foods. They are the cheapest to obtain but are the least effective in terms of healing.
- Sugar – Heals 1 health point (half a heart)
- Wheat – Heals 2 health points (a full heart)
- Apple – Heals 3 health points (one and a half hearts)
Foods That Heal and Activate Love Mode
The foods in this group are a bit more expensive but are more effective in healing and activate love mode, allowing horses to breed.
- Golden Carrot – Heals 4 health points (2 hearts)
- Golden Apple – Heals 10 health points (5 hearts)
Food That You Can Only Feed a Tamed Horse
Hay Bale can only be fed to a tamed horse. It heals 20 health points (10 full hearts).
Interesting Facts About The Minecraft Horse
- Each horse can spawn with one of 30 different combinations of colors and markings.
- There are two other variations of the regular horse: a Skeleton Horse and a Zombie Horse.
- Different horses in Minecraft have different amounts of health, ranging from 15-30 health points).
- Like their health points, different horses also have different movement speeds, ranging from 4.86 blocks/second to 14.57 blocks/second.
- The horses’ health bar doesn’t show half hearts. If a horse had an odd number of health points, the number of hearts displayed is rounded down (if a horse has 27 health points, it will show 13 hearts – (27-1)/2)

Finishing Thoughts
The Minecraft horse is one of the most useful mobs in the game, and if you ask me, one of the most useful, too.
I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something useful. If you have a question or something to say, feel free to post it in the comments below. See you next time!